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Educators: do you want to further your education? We have courses for you.

| Aktuality

With the new year, we have prepared a new offer of cooperation for the professional public - continuing education courses in digital competence. We start in February with topics focused on digital competence in geography classes. Information and course offerings are dedicated to our department's website (Czech only).

Courses for primary and secondary school teachers target the development of digital competence in pupils from primary school onwards. Our national curriculum describes digital competence as an objective for all school subjects. Our department has long been concerned with developing informatics thinking and digital competence, using geography education as an example.

The first two courses will focus on the topic of story maps. Map-based digital storytelling is more professionally spoken of, and the method has been making its way around the world for two decades now, with a rapid increase in examples of good pedagogical practice in recent years demonstrating great added value for school education. The second course will broadly introduce the topic of geographic information systems and their role in geographic education.

Both map-based digital storytelling and GIS fit well into teachers' methods of geography and other school subjects. History, languages, social sciences and computer science can be mentioned at the top.

We will gradually expand the range of courses to include other topics, including 3D printing, remote sensing and GPS, as well as the role of digital tools in fieldwork.